I'm a 13 year old Cancer girl (I was actually born on the very beginning of the Cancer-Leo cusp). I am sooo confused. My best match is a Pisces, a water sign of any kind will do, but I only ever attract air signs and I get attracted to air signs. It's crazy. I don't think I have ever met a Cancer boy my age. I'm currently dating a Libra. It's nice, but he's a bit inconsistent with his actions of love. I try to not get upset about it, but I wish I could be a bit less emotional. I give him everything, from compliments to saying "I love you" every day. Today he said over text that he would give me something at school. But, I waited all day and he just kind of ignored me. He never gave me the so called "gift." Maybe he forgot or got shy? Anyways, he really tipped the scale the wrong way today. :(
published on 11/24/2014