the first day of high school i had to go to the cafeteria to receive my schedule. i had to a wait 30 minutes just for a teacher to help the students with their schedules(like me). the teacher told everyone to get in a line and to be in your grade. i was the last to get up so there was only one open seat left which was right next to this really cute guy. i found out i only had one class with him. i was kinda disappointed. a couple months into school i still liked him, i told my friends about my feelings and one day i was walking back to my table with my lunch when i saw him seating there right next to my empty seat. I ALMOST HAD A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN!!! I looked at my friends and they all were smiling really big. my friends decided to leave me and "crush" alone and me being the awkward and shy person i am i didn't talk at all i just got on my phone. he soon left and i was at the table alone thinking of ways to kill my friends...just kidding. a month after the incident i heard he had a girlfriend and i was heartbroken ( i still am). every time i pass him in the hallways it breaks my heart knowing his happy with his girlfriend and not me. i don't know what to do i still think about him all the time. my heart feels like its locked and i cant express my feelings like i used to...
submitted by abbie cervantes
published on 12/25/2015