

Today marks the new beginning. Today, I woke up expecting to feel conflicted, but I wasn't. I had like this boy for 8 years, but we were never single at the same time, and even when we were, he always like another. So when I moved, I thought, hoped, that this could be a new beginning. However, karma was not on my side. I had to go back every summer to visit family; every time I was pray that I would get to see him. That would be enough I told myself. But as I said, karma and fate were anything but on my side. I never saw him. And for the 8 time, the last time I spent back, I saw him. However, the pull was gone. I had been in love with him for so long, and not seen him in so long, that the feeling had faded, not completely but close. When I came back I found a new guy that I liked. But this time I was brave, and confessed, he responded with rosy cheeks. "I have liked you since I ever met you." And he smiled with a million dollar grin that even to this day, fills me with happiness.

Today, I woke up and felt the same pull that I had felt for a long time, only this time, it was directed towards a different person. He may not be my first love, but he makes me happier, and more enamored(filled with love, BIG WORD) than my first love ever did and could ever.

submitted by Scarlett
published on 9/30/2014