Well it started when college did. I fell for two roommates and immediately thereafter, the one roommate started hitting on me, while the other didn't seem so interested. Jack, the one that was hitting on me, had decided to take me with him to go get some wood for the campfire, I wasn't expecting him to pick me up and then put me down to start kissing me. I was expecting something a little less like a movie, but he french-kissed me, in the dark. I didn't want to feel for him so much, but I do. We did both decide that we'll be FWB's, but he also found out I liked his roommate Ryan. Therefore, over the next week he was trying to get me to tell Ryan that I liked him, however when I finally said he he said "Well I like you a little too..." Before then I wasn't trying so hard to tell him because I was more into Jack, or rather kinda forced to. Since then, Ryan and I have seemed to have grown closer, one minute he says $10 and I'll take you home, and as soon as we're ready to leave my family's home, he decided that he didn't want me to pay him because "I had fun". My old friends saw us and probably swore we were dating, I mean we did walk around like a couple, but my love story here is that I want Jack, Ryan and a few other guys, and Jack wants me and a few other girls, and Ryan, I know he likes a suitemate of mine, but otherwise I don't know how he feels about me. He likes me, but is he expecting me to be the one who initiates the first kiss? Yeah, we haven't kissed yet, but we've talked plenty and got close. I just want to have the comfort of a man, but a relationship, I don't think any one of us is ready to commit again.
submitted by Keisha
published on 9/22/2014